I’m starting my first quilting project. Ive never done this before and I’m not totally sure what I’m doing. When I first got into sewing I never imagined myself making a quilt. But I broke down and decided to make one.
I started off planning this project using a Quilt As You Go method. I was all excited to get started and placed an order online for 9 yards of fabric. When it arrived I was slightly disappointed that half the fabric I ordered was oilcloth. Now since I’m new to sewing and don’t fully know what all these different types of fabric are I didn’t know what I was ordering. I was expecting all the fabric I ordered to be basic woven cotten. Instead I’m stuck with 5 yards of fabric that is meant to be used for tablecloths or shopping bags.
Once I realized all the fabric I ordered can not be used in this project I got discouraged and wanted to give up on the project. But after a few days of thinking of how I can salvage this project I decided to make a quilt top comforter.
So here are the 4 prints I will be using for this project. This quilt was supposed to be made for Independance Day but obviously I’m a little late for that. I’m still going to rock the patriotic patterns!
My plan for this project is to cut the 4 yards into 12 inch blocks and make a 6 x 6 quilt. This will give me a decent sized quilt and means I don’t need to buy additional fabric. All I need to do it pick up some fabric for the backing and I’m ready to go.
I have the entire project planned out in my head, all but the actual quilting part. I don’t want to do the full stippling, I’m just going to throw in a few stitches in the corner of each block to attach the front and the back of the quilt. Stay tuned for posts over the next few weeks on my progress! Oh and look out for a YouTube video on this!