I did it. I uploaded my first video to YouTube. I don’t think it’s anything impressive but I bit the bullet and did it. I’ve included my first video in this post. There is a very high chance that the video will only be available on this post at some point in the very near future. haha!
This video is not exactly what I plan to do on my YouTube channel but it’s a start at doing everything involved with uploading videos. It’s a lot more work then you would think. You have to set up the lights, get the camera set up, import the video, edit the video, upload the video. All this takes time! A lot of time! And the end result is a video less then 5 minute in length. I have a long way to go.
I originally recorded the video in 4K. After importing the video it just wasn’t working in Premier. My MacBook setup couldn’t handle it. I would need a faster hard drive to even begin working in 4K. So I converted the movie to 1080p. Then I was in business.
After that I tried working on the audio quality in Audition and I honestly have no idea what I’m doing in there. There was a background noise on the recording that I tried getting rid of but I got frustrated and just went to editing the video.
After that I hacked the shit out of the video. I started with over 10 minutes of footage and cut it down to 4 and a half minutes. Apparently I ramble a lot. And I said “umm” a lot. And had long pauses where I was thinking of what I was trying to say. Eventually I will get better at making a point and getting to it quickly. Also I didn’t plan on what I wanted to say. I was more excited to set everything up and just record something.
So tell me what you think of the final product. I’d love to get feedback and to hear what you honestly think. The good, the bad, the ugly. You’re not going to hurt my feelings so let it rip!