It’s Sunday again and I’m on vacation! I tell ya, I could not be happier that my vacation is finally here. And for once I actually have a whole bunch of stuff planned! Normally I take vacation and I end up sitting around my apartment and watching TV. Now I did that yesterday but I pretty much have plans for the rest of the week.
Today I hung out with one of my friends and we went to the old port. Wondering through shops, going to the Pirate exhibit and seeing an awesome movie. I always forget how many different shops there are in Portland. I never go because I think trying to find a place to park is a nightmare, but really if you know where to look there is always a spot and most everything is within walking distance. I need to make it more of a thing to head into Portland and walk around. I used this as an opportunity to use my camera. Now, none of the images came out particularly well but I’m still getting used to this camera. We went to see Baby Driver and let me tell you, this was the most exciting movie I’ve seen in a while. I will definitely be purchasing it once it comes out on video. I also got a bubble tea! I haven’t had one in so long and they have always been my favorite.
Monday is another lazy day. I’ve got some cleaning to do around the apartment and I’ve got my sewing projects to work on! Tomorrow night I should start with my quilt. It’s been waiting for long enough and it’s time to cut that fabric! Sometimes that’s the scariest part of any project. Knowing what you spent on all this fabric and then cutting it to pieces just seems like it’s something you shouldn’t do.
Tuesday is my Father’s Birthday. So I need to find him a gift. I have no idea what I should get him, he doesn’t need anything and he buys himself anything he wants. I’ll have to wonder around some stores tomorrow and find something nice for him. The family will probably get together and go out to dinner. I do like these events when we all come together and have a nice dinner. And (knock on wood) recently these gatherings have been going fairly well.
Wednesday it looks like I’m going to be heading down to Boston. I don’t really have a plan for this yet but I should probably take a look online and at least get an idea of the areas I want to check out. This is also going to be an opportunity for photos. I need to put this camera to good use! I’m sure I will be posting about that later in the week.
Thursday and Friday I’m heading up to Acadia National Park. I’ve lived in Maine all my life and I’ve never been. I have, however, been to Baxter State Park and it’s one of my favorite places. I’d like to plan a trip back there sometime, maybe next summer! I’m excited for Acadia because I’ve seen some photos and it looks like a beautiful place. Plus I got a few recommendations from friends so it should be a fun trip. We are all staying the night in a hotel in the area so we will have plenty of time to explore. The only part of this trip I’m not looking forward to is the drive up there and how early we are probably going to get up to make it there at a decent time.
Then after all that I hope this weekend will give me some down time. I’ll need that time to relax after all these activities and unwind. So here’s to a great week filled with a lot of adventure!