What do you do when you don’t know what to make for dinner? You make something that you eat all the time, always hits the spot and is easy to make. I need a list of staple recipes for these exact moments!
I’ve realized one thing this week, I need to find a set of staple meals that are compliant with my lifestyle program. I need a set of meals that are my go too when I don’t want to plan meals. The hard part is I didn’t grow up eating low glycemic impact meals so I don’t know what kind of meals I could eat over and over again. Also, I am not skilled in the kitchen. So knowing what’s easy and quick is proving to be a challenge.
I have a copy of the recipe books that go along with the program I’m doing, but it’s hard to tell what each recipe will look like when it’s done, let alone which ones I could eat every day.
First, I will explore the items on the food list. There are a lot of veggies I’ve never tried before. For the majority of the vegetables, I need to try them cooked using several different methods (steamed, sautéed, roasted). Take spinach for example, we always had it steamed growing up and I hated it, but I can eat it raw all day long. Or better yet, mixed in with some other food where it enhances the flavor. Another example is green beans, we again always had them steamed growing up but when they are roasted (with a nice crunch) I think they are great!
Second, I will try at least one new recipe from the book each week. I can ambush my mother and have her help me make them. We had planned on doing that a while ago, but I never took her up on the offer. And if she won’t do it I can always video call one of my friends that cook and do it with them (since all my friends seem to live far away).
To me, a staple recipe is something that is quick and relatively easy to make. Something that you don’t have to plan special for. Something that can be made without thinking. Something where you usually have all the ingredients to make. This is why these recipes need to be simple. If I have to find the recipe every time to make it, it’s not a staple!
As I start to formulate this list, I will make a special page on my website for all the staple recipes. Over time I may change the list, so to make things easy on myself I will make a list of blog articles and have a convenient page for you to view them on. So keep checking back on this post to see the list.