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By Matthew Ward April 24, 2023
In today's digital age, having a website is essential for any business that wants to remain competitive and reach its target audience effectively. However, creating and maintaining a website can be a daunting task, especially if you don't have technical expertise. That's where Web Solutions by maWebCenter comes in – an all-in-one website builder that makes it easy to create, manage, and grow your online presence.
By Matthew Ward July 21, 2022
It’s been a few months since I moved into the basement and moved here with the primary intention of saving for a down payment and improving my financial position. I’ve made a lot of progress to that end and now I’m focusing on the second phase. I’m going to break this down into 3 components. These are the three areas of my financial plan to buy a house.
By Matthew Ward July 3, 2022
This seems like a very simple block but can create a complicated looking secondary patter when assembled. By matching 2 patches on 2 separate blocks you get a special pattern on the quilt.
By Matthew Ward July 3, 2022
Finished Size: 10 inches square Piece A: 3½ in x 4½ in Piece B: Half Square Triangle 3½ in x 3½ in Piece C: Center Block 4½ in x 4½ in
Stephanie's Dog Sally
By Matthew Ward June 1, 2022
Meet my sister's puppy, Sally. She spent the day with us running around the yard and cleaning up the scraps dropped on the patio.
The living room in my apartment
By Matthew Ward March 31, 2022
It’s the last day of the month and the last day of renting an apartment. As I get ready to finish the last bit of cleaning before I had over the keys, I can’t help but reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going. It’s been 8 years in this Apartment and tomorrow starts a new chapter in my life.
By Matthew Ward November 23, 2021
Online Coaching: Phase II Serves 4
By Matthew Ward November 16, 2021
What do you do when you don’t know what to make for dinner? You make something that you eat all the time, always hits the spot and is easy to make. I need a list of staple recipes for these exact moments!
By Matthew Ward November 9, 2020
I don’t know about you but over the last 8 months I’ve been living on takeout, boxed and prepared food. Needless to say it’s lead to packing on a few extra pounds and making me feel like crap. I decided to put an end to that and do a cleanse.
By Matthew Ward July 15, 2019
Day 1 on the 21 Day Challenge. Today I begin the 21 Day Challenge where I will be creating a daily update of my progress.
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