Last fall I ordered a Deadpool costume online and after wearing it to a costume wedding I discovered the back seam had come undone. I needed to wear it again for Halloween so I needed to sew it back together. I looked up how to do it on YouTube and went and got myself a sewing kit. After successfully fixing the hole in the butt I said to myself: I’m going to become a regular haberdasherist!
Now let’s jump back to Christmas time. I got a wad of cash from my daddy and wanted to blow it on things I didn’t need. Something was telling me I needed to own a leather jacket. Well I still don’t own one. All the designs I was looking at just wasn’t right for me. So I thought back to the sewing thing and started to look up sewing a leather jacket. So to my astonishment one could purchase themselves a hide of leather and sew a sick jacked at home! And for a lot less then what all these stores online would make me pay.
So after seeing all of this I decided to search YouTube for videos on How To Sew. Well I found a bunch of really good videos with some very detailed information. So from there I decided to purchase a sewing machine on Amazon and now I spend some of my free time devoted to this new passion on mine.For anybody that knows me, sewing is not something you would picture me doing. In fact I’m a little surprised myself that I got interested in this. But I needed something to occupy my time. With most other aspects of my life being virtual I needed something tangible that I could do with my hands. So after some strange occurrences a new passion is born.
So here is how it all got started. I was scrolling through Facebook and there were an abnormally high number of adds for designer Jeans coming up. So I decided to click on them because who doesn’t want a pair of amazing Jeans, right!? One of the sites I clicked on had video of the company making the jeans. So I became interested in how a pair of jeans were made because it looked so complicated only a pre-programmed robot could do it. But once I started watching some videos on YouTube I said to myself, that doesn’t look so difficult!