
Sewing & Quilting


By Matthew Ward July 17, 2017
I uploaded a new YouTube video! I recorded this last week before I went to Bangor. I got excited and sat down to practice filming. This isn’t perfect and I didn’t bother replacing the audio from the camera with the lapel microphone. But here it is! Help me out my watching it and going and subscribing to my channel!
By Matthew Ward July 12, 2017
I’m starting my first quilting project. Ive never done this before and I’m not totally sure what I’m doing. When I first got into sewing I never imagined myself making a quilt. But I broke down and decided to make one.
By Matthew Ward May 20, 2017
I think I got a little over ambitious with the idea of making a pair of regular shorts. I got out the pattern I used for the test pair of pants and found out that the fit will be a little too loose. So do I want to go for it and see how they come out or do I want to try making something simpler first and then work my way up to this more difficult project? Part of me is just saying go for it and if it fails then it’s a good learning opportunity. The other part of me is saying don’t waste all that fabric for something that may not work right. One option is to do a muslin test. I can see if I have enough left over from my original project to make a pair of shorts, my guess is I will probably need to buy more. I am also going to need to buy a zipper. I think the muslin route is my best option so that I can get the fit right with the pattern and then use my good fabric to make a more finished product after I’ve had some practice. I also just looked up fabric dying kits.
By Matthew Ward May 14, 2017
This year for Mother’s Day I decided to stop roaming the mall in search of something special and instead make something. I did a search online for Mother’s Day sewing projects and one of the first things that came up was a tote bag. So I read the page and realized it’s not that difficult and I’d give it a try. The end result came out far better then I expected and I’m very proud of what I made!
By Matthew Ward April 27, 2017
For anybody that knows me, sewing is not something you would picture me doing. In fact I’m a little surprised myself that I got interested in this. But I needed something to occupy my time. With most other aspects of my life being virtual I needed something tangible that I could do with my hands. So after some strange occurrences a new passion is born.

Quilt Blocks

By Matthew Ward July 3, 2022
This seems like a very simple block but can create a complicated looking secondary patter when assembled. By matching 2 patches on 2 separate blocks you get a special pattern on the quilt.
By Matthew Ward July 3, 2022
Finished Size: 10 inches square Piece A: 3½ in x 4½ in Piece B: Half Square Triangle 3½ in x 3½ in Piece C: Center Block 4½ in x 4½ in
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