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Sunday Reflection – July 9, 2017
July 9, 2017

Sunday Reflection – July 9, 2017

Here I am, at the laundry mat again. Another week gone bye. Holiday weeks are always the hardest. Although we get extra time off from work it’s really not what I would consider time off. See when I have a day off I want it to be for myself. On holidays we always have to do all kinds of stuff and it’s never very relaxing. This week has been anything but relaxing.

This week coming up I’ll be in Bangor for work. That means 5 nights in a hotel. I’m not very excited for this because it’s a long drive and my car is giving me anxiety. Between the tires not holding air pressure, all these rattling noises and my traction control light coming on at weird times I’m nervous it won’t make the 180 mile trip up there.

Staying in a hotel for the next 5 nights means I don’t get to eat regular food, I’ll probably be getting a lot of takeout. And I’m not at home on my comfortable couch and with all my stuff. I’m not looking forward to that especially with my digestive system not being happy with me.

Luckily I’ve got a friend up there I can hang out with after work. I’m going to be sitting in training classes all week so I’ll need some chill time after each day.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. I have no energy. Even after a full nights sleep I wake up and don’t feel like doing anything, not even taking a shower (don’t worry I’ve showered every day). I think I need to go on a diet. I need to purge my system and start fresh. That’s not something I want to start doing this week or next week when I’m on vacation. After my vacation is probably the best time to start. Eliminating sugar, not eating processed foods and doing some exercise will help get me back on track.

Yesterday I went to the mall with Jess. We stopped in the makeup store so I could get something to hide the blemishes on my face when I’m filing videos. I practiced putting it on and realized I’m not that good at it. But I can also see how it would become addicting being able to hide what you really look like and basically photoshop your face in real life.

I think one of the biggest struggles I’ve had this week is not being able to do what I want to do. I’ve had so much to do every night that I haven’t had time for any sewing projects. I think that has something to do with my lack of ambition and non-starter attitude all week. I think things will change once I get on vacation.

I really have stopped caring about so many things that really used to bother me. But then again I’ve become more self-conscious of little things I never gave a second thought. It’s weird how that works because when one thing stops bothering you another thing starts.

So anyway, this week is like a kind of vacation. It’s a week away from home. I’ll get to catch up with some friends I haven’t seen in a while and I don’t need to worry about cleaning. But I will be very happy when I start my ride home. My hope is to work on a few sewing projects while I’m on vacation. I also have a trip up to Acadia planned with Jess, Hannah and her brother. It’s also my fathers Birthday. So my vacation will be jam packed of events!

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