I had big plans going through my mind for this week’s Reflection but I’m so worn out tonight this is probably going to be short.
I want to start off saying living through this apartment building being sold has been one of the most draining and chaotic experiences. Now I’m sure this whole thing would have gone more smoothly if some factors were eliminated.
The first factor being my current landlord doesn’t know or respect the boundaries of being a landlord. Over the entire month he’s been randomly showing up and fixing things that he should have been taking care of over the last three years. By not giving me notice when things are happening I didn’t have stuff prepared or moved out of the way. The people coming in and doing work didn’t clean up after themselves and did shotty work. But at least the list of things I needed fixed are at working for now.
The second factor making this week horrible was the weather. The second half of this week they were conducting Radon testing so none of the windows could be opened and the doors needed to remain closed. When it’s very humid and hot it makes being inside a sealed up apartment an absolute nightmare. I was so happy when that testing was over and I could open up all the windows.
The third and final factor was having a house guest staying on my couch all week. Now if this guest wasn’t here I wouldn’t have been aware of most of the craziness happening here while I was at work. But alas I was getting the play by play from someone who wanted to rest and take it easy all day. So the stress that was being added by all the activity was compounded by his discomfort.
So that was my week. I’m looking forward to having the place back to myself and getting Tuesday off for the forth of July! Plus I hope to get a lot of work done on my quilt as you go project! I also found a WordPress theme that I actually like and spent a lot of time getting it set up the way I want it to look. Got me thinking about developing my own but that wouldn’t happen for a long long time.