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Am I Too Ambitious?
Matthew Ward • May 20, 2017

Am I Too Ambitious?

I think I got a little over ambitious with the idea of making a pair of regular shorts. I got out the pattern I used for the test pair of pants and found out that the fit will be a little too loose. So do I want to go for it and see how they come out or do I want to try making something simpler first and then work my way up to this more difficult project? Part of me is just saying go for it and if it fails then it’s a good learning opportunity. The other part of me is saying don’t waste all that fabric for something that may not work right. One option is to do a muslin test. I can see if I have enough left over from my original project to make a pair of shorts, my guess is I will probably need to buy more. I am also going to need to buy a zipper. I think the muslin route is my best option so that I can get the fit right with the pattern and then use my good fabric to make a more finished product after I’ve had some practice. I also just looked up fabric dying kits. Jo-Anne Fabrics has some kits that I can use to dye the muslin to a different color. Now I should probably do it before I start the project but I’d rather just complete the shorts and then if they come out nicely I can dye them in whatever color I choose, after.

Other than this ambitious sewing project I’ve decided to do I’m feeling a little overwhelmed lately. Tasks are piling up at work and they are things I don’t know how to do, or what needs to be done; things that I can’t just do myself. The biggest struggle for me in this position is not being able to just go and fix what I need when I need something done. I feel like for everything I do I need to go to someone else to do things for me. Not like asking them to do my job but to get them to do something in their part of the system so I can do something in my part of the system. It’s very frustrating.

On the home front Steve showed the building yesterday. I was at work while it was happening so I don’t know how it went or what the guy thought of the building. Thankfully he didn’t open the door to the back room, I can tell because the stuff that was in front of the door hadn’t been moved. That room back there is a disaster and I need to get it cleared out. Not because it’s harming anyone or anything but because it’s driving me nuts.

I feel like this is going to be a busy weekend. Tonight I’m meeting with Paula to discuss what my next steps should be for buying a house. Hannah mentioned that she wants to go out dancing tonight, don’t know if that’s going to happen or I even want to. Then tomorrow I’m working on this crazy sewing project that will frustrate the crap out of me. Then Sunday I’m heading to Mass with Hannah to visit Jessica. Then it’s back to work on Monday. I’m a little upset that I probably won’t be able to finish the shorts on Saturday, because I am excited about them and just want them done. As long as they are done by next weekend I’m good though. I want to be able to show them off!

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