Vacation is over. And man, I’m not ready to go back. While it’s been nice not being on a time schedule, I don’t feel like I got the rest I needed. All vacations I take from here on out will last two weeks, this single week vacation is just not long enough.
Usually when I take a vacation I don’t make any plans and I don’t really do much, the way I like it! This vacation however has been filled with all sorts of stuff. While it was fun I kinda wish I took things easy and made more time to relax.
The most notable thing from this vacation was my trip to Acadia National Park. It’s a beautiful place and there is a lot to do there. The main attraction I think is hiking. While we didn’t do too much of this we did enough to make me want to go out and do it more often. It’s a workout, let me tell you! But at least there is the reward of reaching the top of a mountain or coming to a beautiful natural feature. I took plenty of pictures and they will be posted throughout the week.
Before I started this vacation I had a large list of accomplishments I wanted to complete. As you can probably guess I did absolutely none of them. You’d think I’d feel bad about that but I couldn’t be happier. The biggest accomplishment I made was mapping out a daily schedule for me to follow. Anybody who knows me knows I need structure. I think this has been the missing peace for the last few months and why I haven’t gotten my feet off the ground.
My plan going forward has been mapped out and I am feeling good about it. It’s rigid enough to keep me on track yet flexible enough where if I want to take a night off and go do something fun I can. I can just pick up where I left off the next night. I also left the weekends fairly free so I have time to go out and do fun things or sit and watch tv and not feel guilty about it.
For this week coming up I’m going to finally start and finish my first quilting project. While it’s going to be extremely simple it’s somewhere to start. I started watching a few quilting videos and my mind is starting to go wild with ideas on different quilts I can make. Before you know it I am going to be overrun by quilts. At least I’ll have plenty of presents for Birthdays and Holidays.