Another edition of the Sunday Reflection. This week is all about sewing. I’m finally focusing on what I started this site for. The video update for this week is below with a list of the topics discussed below. Hope you enjoy!
Sewing Project Updates: Continuing to work on My First Quilt. The video series should start getting posted this week! Also hemmed a few pair of pants for my friend’s son, this was the first time I’ve done that and went through many struggles before I got it right.
Upcoming Sewing Projects: Market Bags to use up the oilcloth I purchased by mistake. I’m making my mother a wonky 9 patch quilt for her birthday. I need to go get the fabric this week. I’m going to be making a t-shirt for Izaiah, this will involve making a pattern from a t-shit. I also want to make myself a pair of loungewear shorts. And finally I’ll be making myself some new curtains.
Events of the week: Summer is over. The mornings are getting too cold for me to get out of bed! I hate waking up and being freezing. I’m canceling my cable and going with Hulu TV. It’s just all around better and I’m going to save so much money! I also dyed my hair, no more gray!
Join me next week for another update!