I don’t know about you but over the last 8 months I’ve been living on takeout, boxed and prepared food. Needless to say it’s lead to packing on a few extra pounds and making me feel like crap. I decided to put an end to that and do a cleanse.
I have to say the hardest part was committing and actually starting. I had been telling myself for months that I’d start on Monday. Monday morning came and nothing changed. So I messaged my friend and fellow coach and joined her next class. The magic of accountability got me to make a plan and stick to it.
Last week I went on a vegetable and fruit cleanse. I thought the hardest part would be cutting out soda, because I relied on the caffeine. But getting plenty of nutrients from the food I was eating and increasing my water intake, I didn’t need that energy. After the first few days I was feeling amazing.
I remember having some raspberries on the first or second day and they tasted like I was eating the most flavorful tasting food I’d had in a long time. Because it was real food!
Im very excited for the results I got! Here they are:
Monday Meltdown results for week 1 – Down 5.4 pounds and 5 inches! Body fat went down half a percent and hydration went up half a percent.
If you’d like some more information on the program I’m following message me on Facebook or Instagram. Links to my profiles are on the top and bottom of the page.