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How to Quit Drinking Soda
Matthew Ward • March 12, 2019


How to Quit Drinking Soda

Quitting soda can be hard, but it's not impossible. And we all know the amount of sugar in soda is really bad for your health. Back when I was drinking it every day I never though I'd be able to give it up, but I did it. Here are some things I've used to make the commitment and quit drinking soda.


Pick a date and stick to it. The hardest part about anything is starting. I usually pick a Monday to start any new habit, but you can choose any day that works for you and your schedule. It's also import to be clear with yourself and define what your goal is. Do you want to completely eliminate soda or cut down to one a day? Identify what your goal is and then make the commitment to achieving that goal.


Get rid of it! That's right, down the drain. No matter what you spent on it, you are no longer going to drink it, so it's gone. Remember why you made this commitment and what you want to acheive. Removing soda from your home will prevent you from walking over to the fridge and grabbing one out of habit. If you live with someone else, get them to do it with you. Having someone to keep you accountable makes it twice as likely for you to succeed.


The first few days are going to be rough, so prepare yourself. You might get a headache, you might feel tired. But after a few days these symptoms should go away. Take it easy this week and let your body do what it's supposed to do and get the sugar out of your system. After just a few days you will have more energy than you ever thought possible. Eliminating all sugar from your diet will greatly improve how your body functions and how you feel. But if you're not ready for that, just cutting soda alone will make a difference. And if you have a slip up and cave in, don't let that derail you from accomplishing what you set out to do. Just pick yourself up and move on, focus on your goal and what you need to do to acheive it.


A lot of drinks out there are loaded with sugar. So be careful and read the label before you drink it. There is no point in switching to another drink that has the same amount of sugar, or more. Be careful of coffee too! Depending on how you make it, it can have just as much, or even more, sugar than soda. Water really is the best choice, but I know it's not everyone's favorite. If you're going to switch to a different drink, look for something that has no sugar or as little as possible.


Personally, when I've tried to quit drinking soda in the past I kept saying "oh I'll start Monday." Then Monday becomes: I'll do it next Monday, and so on. What I was missing was a plan. A strategy for how I was going to overcome the reasons why I was drinking soda. The biggest reason being that I needed the caffeine! So I looked high and low for a replacement that would allow me to stop needing caffeine in the morning but would also be quick and easy to integrate into my lifestyle. And in case you're wondering, I don't like coffee, so that was not an option. What I use now is a Vitamin B supplement that I can drink every morning. I take two servings in the morning and I'm good for the day. And when I'm feeling that slump in the afternoon I just take another two servings as needed.

Click Here to check out what I'm using.

These are my tips for how I quit drinking soda. If you want to give it a try and need someone to hold you accountable hit me up and I'll help you out. Let me know if you try this and how it goes!

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