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Sunday is Laundry Day
Matthew Ward • April 30, 2017

Sunday is Laundry Day

Sundays are going to become laundry day. I’m the type of person who needs regularity and a set schedule. So I need to do specific chores on specific days. And to avoid going two weeks without doing laundry I’m going to come sit here at the laundry mat every Sunday.

Boy has life been interesting lately. I’m glad I got to catch up with some old friends yesterday at Isaiah’s birthday party. Hanging with Jess, Michaela and Kass for the day was a pleasent distraction. It’s wonderful to see Isaiah growing up and becoming his own. It’s also great to see some friends who used to be part of my every day life.

I tried to make a t-shirt for Isaiah but I ended up serging the sleeve on the outside. So one side is correct and the other side is showing the seam. Oh well, trial and error is how we learn! After I realized what I did I got frustrated and gave up on the project. I still gave it to Kassandra so she could see how well it fit. If the fit is right then I’ll make Isaiah some additional shirts with a spair fabric.

Also this week I worked on a Men’s Raglan T-Shirt. I have to say I’m happy with how it came out so far. I did all the necessary construction steps except for the bottom hem. I hemmed the sleeves but thought I’d give it a wash to see how well it holds up through the process.

I need to make several more practice shirts over the next few weeks to get better with my serger. I am so happy I bought one because I can do practically everything I want to do on it. I mean yes there are some things I’ll need the sewing machine for but making clothes on the serger is so much more rewarding.

I like the idea of having some down time on a Sunday afternoon to reflect on the week and post it here. This will be a good way to end each week and start the next with a fresh perspective. Plus I can give you a sneak peak of what’s coming up!

Coming Up This Week

For this week’s sewing project I’m going to work on two things. First I’m going to make a t-shirt from the pattern I downloaded. Second I’m going to create a set of slopers to start designing patterns with.

I’m not very sure how far I will get with the slopers since it seems arduous and requires focus. Something I’ve not had much of lately. Plus I’m new to Illustrator so there is a lot of time wasted trying to figure out how to get the computer to do what I want it to do. I’m working from the book I got on Patternmaking for Menswear.

Aside from sewing I’m going to make a few personal changes. I’m eliminating sugar from my diet. I consume too much currently and I need to majorly cut down on it. The first week of it is always the hardest. But switching over to tea in the morning will help me get through. It doesn’t help that summer is coming right around the corner and drinking something hot when it’s warm out could be a challenge. One of my biggest frustrations is finding a really good mint flavored tea with enough caffeine. So far the best one I’ve found is a loose leaf and that is a pain in the ass to steep and filter in the morning, especially when I want to use every moment for sleep that I can.

See you throughout the week!

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