Sometimes life throws you a curveball and sometimes you slam that curveball right out of the park. These last few days have been quite eventful. I got a lot done and had a few strange things happen.
The Old Port Fest was yesterday and it was 95° out. The heat got to me early in the day and I had to slow down my raging. After a bottle of water and some horrific service at Old Port Tavern the day turned and we got back into party mode. I have to say Glass is a great bar and I’m surprised more people don’t go there. They have excellent bar tenders and it’s a comfortable atmosphere where you can actually have a conversation with the people you’re with.
I got all the trash out of my apartment on Saturday and things are pretty much back to normal. There are a few more little projects I want to do but they aren’t starting you right in the face when you walk in. I’ll work on those over the next week or two.
One strange thing that happened this weekend is three people from my past messaged me out of the blue. And the funny thing is they came to me with exactly what I wanted from each of them. Now I’m not going to go into details about who I’m talking about and what each one wanted, but let’s just say it put a smile on my face.
Something big happened at the tail end of last week, a rather big opportunity came up. Something that I would have jumped on a few years ago, but something I’m looking at with a lot more thought and caution now. I don’t know if anything is going to come of this opportunity and I don’t know if I even want anything to come of it, but if something becomes official then I’ll let the cat out of the bag when the time comes.
Summer is here with a scorching vengeance. It’s a nice and hot few days. A very welcome change after about two months of rain. I think the rain is coming back at the end of the week but that’s ok. I’m enjoying the heat while it lasts.