Tonight I was looking through a few things and I realized something. Over the last year I’ve been working to clean up and improve my credit score. When I checked tonight, I’m finally at a place where I can start seriously looking into buying a home. This is something I’ve always dreamed of and always though was just out of reach. But now it’s something that is starting to look like a real possibility within the next year.
This all started when I got home and my landlord informed me that he is selling the building I live in. Now that doesn’t mean that I really need to change anything or move out but it did get me to thinking… What I really wanted to say was I’d be interested in buying the building. But I didn’t since I though that was way out of reach. After I got inside I looked through my email and found an email thread that I had with a mortgage broker last year about what I would need to do to get approved for a home loan. At one point she sent me a list of the credit scores needed to get approved for the different loans they offer. Once I re-read that email I realized my credit score was above the minimum so I double checked my score. Once I realized this is something that can actually happen I got so excited I texted my realtor friend about what I need to do next.
Being a home owner is a lifelong dream but it’s also something that rocks me to my core. Living in an apartment is one thing, if anything happens you call your landlord and complain about the shitty job he did fixing the issue. Owning a home means that there is no landlord to call and you have to fix the issue on your own. Luckily for me I know enough people where if I had a problem I would have someone to go to for advice. But it still worries me that I’m completely on my own. But that is also the most exciting part of owning a home. Everything is mine. I get to do whatever I want! And the best part is I’d have laundry in my own home. That in and of itself makes all of this worth it.
As news happens on this epic journey I’m about to embark on I will keep you updated. I’ve even created a category specific for this topic! So say a little prayer for me and wish me luck!